What you don't know IS hurting you!

About Cole Simonson

"I was extremely impressed with the thoroughness and care that Cole took in evaluating our entire house. Although a healthy lifestyle has always been a top priority for me, I was completely surprised by how many areas and devices, including supposedly health-promoting equipment, were putting out extreme levels of EMFs, beyond just unsafe. I was getting zapped heavily on a regular basis from unexpected sources.

There were a number of measures that we were able to implement immediately, and with amazing results. A 9-year chronic sinus drainage problem evaporated that very first night. My husband and I are now getting an uninterrupted night's sleep each and every night! We're also sleeping so much more deeply.

I am extremely grateful for Cole's wealth of knowledge and passion to help people improve their quality of life. I can't wait to complete the remedial work so that we can see what other improvements there may be in our health. I am sharing his suggestions with friends and family. This is so exciting, I can't contain my enthusiasm!"

- Carlee and Veetkam, Asheville, NC, 4/12/2019

"Cole is one of the most intelligent, courageous and kind people I've ever met. He has an astonishing breadth and depth of knowledge about healing techniques, both traditional and modern...

...Cole's personal integrity guides his efforts in tailoring a recommended health regimen best suited to each individual's need rather than what might be most profitable for him.

His kindness is a blessing to all who know him, for he truly cares about people and takes a genuine interest in helping others, going out of his way to integrate diverse techniques into a truly holistic treatment."
- David B. Huber, Orlando, FL, 7/27/2017


Cole has had a 35-year career in Information Technology as a department manager, project manager, and programmer/analyst.

Over a period of several years, he became increasingly aware of his electro-sensitivity. This led him to become an EMR Consultant, to offer EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) Assessment and Remediation Consultations.

In an Assessment / Remediation Consultation, Cole uses a variety of professional grade gauges to accurately read your Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) pollution, which comes from:

  • Electric fields (from everything that plugs into a wall outlet)
  • Magnetic fields (see below)
  • Microwave transmissions (from all of our wireless devices, as well as digital and smart meters from utility companies)
  • Dirty electricity (see below)

Magnetic fields, for example, come from:

  • Wiring errors, such as neutral wires from two different circuits being connected together in a junction box, a ground wire connected to one or more neutrals in a junction box, or improperly connected 3-way switches
  • Issues from the power coming into the home from the electric utility or an electric current flowing on water pipes from a water utility
  • Grounding sources, such as currents flowing on water pipes coming into the house from water utilities, refrigerator water dispensers connected to metal water pipes, garbage disposals connected to metal water pipes
  • Point sources, such as refrigerator motors and ceiling fan motors

Dirty electricity, for example, comes from:

  • Switch Mode Power Supplies inside digital meters that have been put on our homes and work places by electric, gas, and water utility companies
  • Transformers common to all computers, cell phone chargers, and any other device that needs to step down the power from 120 volts AC to a lower voltage DC current
  • Light dimmer switches and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL)
  • Anything with a motor, such as refrigerators, blenders, fans and portable heaters

Given the exponential growth of the wireless industry over recent decades, we are being bombarded by Wi-Fi and cellular microwave frequencies everywhere we go, except natural landscapes, such as moutainside nature walks. So it is more important now to do everything we can to make our homes a santuary where we are not under a continued assault from these harmful EMR fields and transmissions.

Another very important consideration in protecting our health is the effect of "Blue Light." This light comes from our technology screens, such as computer monitors, television screens, and cell phones, as well as from our current indoor lighting. The health impacts of Blue Light on our biology are very substantial, and something which we can also mitigate.​ ​


About Them

This book was published by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University. The Kindle edition costs $0.99 on Amazon, but that would be reading a blue light screen!

Captured Agency: How the FCC is Dominated by the Industries it Presumaby Regulates book

There are hundreds of doctors and researchers around the globe that state unambiguously that there is substantial harm caused by transmitting technologies. They are calling for moratoriums and further research before such technologies continue to be rolled out. One video shows a member of the United Nations reading an appeal to the Secretary General of the UN. It might be possible to use some of this content to prove the harm caused in court cases and/or compel electric, gas, and water utility companies to remove digital meters.

The proliferation of non-native EMF has grown exponentially over the past three decades. Some sources may really surprise you.

Sleep issues, brain-fog and frustration are the least of our worries. EMR has been proven to make all autoimmune conditions worse. Blue light from computer and cell phone screens, video gaming console screens, and artificial indoor lighting also has major impacts on our health. See the main page of this site for a partial list of conditions, then see the Quotes page to see specifics on what doctors and researchers are saying.

Infants and children are impacted twice as much as adults by EMR because of their undeveloped immune systems, because they are growing up in the digital age and being given transmitting devices from a much younger age, and because their skulls are softer and undeveloped.

There are specific supplements and foods that can do a lot to help mitigate the impact of radiating technologies. Even specific fish and wine can make a substantial difference.

Exposure guidelines have not been updated in decades. They were developed based on thermal effects rather than the impact that radiation has been proven to have on DNA, on our mitochondria. These guidelines in no way account for the exponential growth of wireless technologies and the associated increase in electromagnetic radiation.

There are a number of options to deal with the digital meters put on our homes by utility companies. These strategies range from using aluminum foil to block the transmissions, to building a closet or box around meters, to legal proceedings.