What you don't know IS hurting you!

Assessment and Remediation Consultation:

In an Assessment and Remediation consult, I will come to your home or office and make use of four different professional-grade gauges to assess:

  • Electric fields
  • Magnetic fields
  • Microwave transmissions (i.e. all of our wireless devices and technologies)
  • Dirty electricity
  • Body voltage
  • Wiring faults

The Assessment will provide detailed information on sources of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from:

    • Any transmitting utility meters, (electric, gas, and/or water)
    • Dirty electricity from your electrical wiring that originates from your utility meters and/or from electrical wiring errors (at least one-third of homes have wiring errors)
    • Cell phones
    • Cordless phones
    • Wireless router/modem
    • Computer workstations, laptops, and related electronics
    • Smart TV (or regular TV)
    • Wireless gaming consoles
    • Baby monitor and electronic toys
    • Where you sleep (most important for regeneration)
    • Where you spend a lot of time (living room couch, home office desk, etc.)
    • Light bulbs and lamps
    • Portable heaters
    • Smart appliances and regular appliances (stove/oven, microwave oven, refrigerator)
    • Other electronics (stereo systems, air filters, wireless burglar alarm components, etc.)

The Remediation Process happens at the same time and provides:

    • Specific strategies that should be emplyed to reduce or eliminate your exposure from the many sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as wiring computers directly to your router/modem, using filters that reduce dirty electricity, grounding any ungrounded sources of electric fields, and much, much more
    • We will discuss additional options that can be purchased online to further block or eliminate sources of EMR. These include whole-house filters, electrical line filters, paints, curtains, clothing, grounding cords, and much more.
    • I will show you before and after readings so you can see the tremendous difference made from simple changes in your environment

I find "Severe" and "Extreme" levels at every Assessment. In today's digital age, we are all being substantially impacted by EMR.

The Assessment and Remediation Package Includes:

  • A complimentary initial half-hour phone consult to discuss what your needs are and how I work
  • An on-site visit at your home or work space / office to assess dangerous levels of EMR from microwave (wireless), electric, magnetic, and “dirty electricity” with remediation steps to mitigate the damaging impact of your EMR exposure
  • A customized emailed report detailing the specific findings of your Assessment and Remediation
  • An 18-page Remediation Resource Guide providing links to highly recommended products, nutritional supplements and foods specific to EMR issues, quotes from doctors and researchers, and more
  • A week of phone support for any questions that might come up after your Assessment / Remediation

The package includes all of the above, and is $390. This covers up to 3 and a half hours for the on-site visit; additional time over 3 and a half hours is pro-rated at $60 per hour.

An immediate improvement in health is often experienced.  I look forward to helping you.

- Cole

* Note:
    I will use some products during the Remediation to demonstrate what is needed to reduce the high levels of EMR. These products are not included in the price of the Assessment / Remediation package. The Remediation Resource Guide you will receive will provide links for sites where you can buy the products you need.

EMF Reduction Can Be Life Changing

Here is a story shared by Nick Pineault, author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs:

"...But for those of us who suffer from chronic disease, the benefits of reducing EMFs can literally be life-changing, and even led a man to get out of his wheelchair…

Find it hard to believe? The full story is even more surprising:

Several years ago, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who’s recognized as a real pioneer in the management of chronic disease, wanted to verify exactly what impact EMFs were having on his patients’ healing ability.

He already knew EMFs were bad, but wanted to know… just how bad?

Dr. Klinghardt flew several of his chronically ill patients to a radio silent zone in Brazil, a valley where you couldn’t even get cell service. In other words, a truly a zero-EMF environment.

He hypothesized that patients would probably get better, but he NEVER expected what happened next…

By day 5, a man who had chronic Lyme disease and chronic fatigue got out of his wheelchair and started walking...

But he wasn’t the only patient to experience a “miracle” recovery. ALL of his patients experienced life-changing benefits.

“Within 5 to 7 days” he told me, “even the ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) patients we had were completely asymptomatic.”

This story begs the question...

If people are able to reverse severe chronic issues by reducing their EMF exposure... what is EMF Radiation really doing to everyday people like you and me?

If anything, this should be taken as a sign that we all need to take EMFs more seriously."

There are hundreds of doctors and researchers around the globe that state unambiguously that there is substantial harm caused by transmitting technologies. They are calling for moratoriums and further research before such technologies continue to be rolled out. One video shows a member of the United Nations reading an appeal to the Secretary General of the UN. It might be possible to use some of this content to prove the harm caused in court cases and/or compel electric, gas, and water utility companies to remove digital meters.

The proliferation of non-native EMF has grown exponentially over the past three decades. Some sources may really surprise you.

Sleep issues, brain-fog and frustration are the least of our worries. EMR has been proven to make all autoimmune conditions worse. Blue light from computer and cell phone screens, video gaming console screens, and artificial indoor lighting also has major impacts on our health. See the main page of this site for a partial list of conditions, then see the Quotes page to see specifics on what doctors and researchers are saying.

Infants and children are impacted twice as much as adults by EMR because of their undeveloped immune systems, because they are growing up in the digital age and being given transmitting devices from a much younger age, and because their skulls are softer and undeveloped.

There are specific supplements and foods that can do a lot to help mitigate the impact of radiating technologies. Even specific fish and wine can make a substantial difference.

Exposure guidelines have not been updated in decades. They were developed based on thermal effects rather than the impact that radiation has been proven to have on DNA, on our mitochondria. These guidelines in no way account for the exponential growth of wireless technologies and the associated increase in electromagnetic radiation.

There are a number of options to deal with the digital meters put on our homes by utility companies. These strategies range from using aluminum foil to block the transmissions, to building a closet or box around meters, to legal proceedings.