What you don't know IS hurting you!

Quotes From Doctors and Researchers on Health Impacts

International Appeals to the United Nations and WHO

The EMF Call:

An international appeal was signed by 164 EMR doctors and scientists, and 95 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from 41 nations, urging the UN and the WHO to develop truly protective limits for exposure to electromagnetic fields.

The International EMF Scientist Appeal:

As of January 1, 2019, 247 EMF scientists from 42 nations have signed The International EMF Scientist Appeal. This is "a credible and influential voice from EMF (electromagnetic field) scientists who are urgently calling upon the United Nations and its sub-organizations, the WHO and UNEP, and all U.N. Member States, for greater health protection on EMF exposure."

These International statements make it clear that the standards set by the Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are "woefully inadequate."

The Lancet - Planetary Health

Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess its impact

Open Access.  Published: December, 2018

…a discussion on the rapid global proliferation of artificial electromagnetic fields would now be apt. The most notable is the blanket of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, largely microwave radiation generated for wireless communication..., as mounting scientific evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation has serious biological and health effects. ...For example, acute non-thermal exposure has been shown to alter human brain metabolism by NIH scientists,3 electrical activity in the brain,4 and systemic immune responses.5Chronic exposure has been associated with increased oxidative stress and DNA damage67 and cancer risk.8  ..As we address the threats to human health from the changing environmental conditions due to human activity,11 the increasing exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation needs to be included in this discussion.

Due to the exponential increase in the use of wireless personal communication devices (eg, mobile or cordless phones and WiFi or Bluetooth-enabled devices) and the infrastructure facilitating them, levels of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation around the 1 GHz frequency band, which is mostly used for modern wireless communications, have increased from extremely low natural levels by about 1018 times (figure). Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation is also used for ...smart meters,... It is plausibly the most rapidly increasing anthropogenic environmental exposure since the mid-20th century...

Quotes From Individual Doctors on Health Impacts

Dr. Sharon Goldberg

Dr. Sharon Goldberg is an internal medicine physician of 21 years. This is her testimony on 10/4/18 regarding the dangers of electromagnetic radiation:

My background is mostly academic, internal medicine, hospital based, clinical research, and medical education. Wireless radiation has biological effects, period. This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-reviewed literature. These effects are seen in all life forms. Plants, animals, insects, microbes. In humans, we have clear evidence of cancer now. There is no question. We have evidence of DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, which is the precursor of congestive heart failure. Neuropsychiatric effects.

....We've been sitting on the evidence for EMR and chronic disease for decades. And now, we're seeing all these epidemics appearing. …. These are facts, and these are things that have just been glossed over by the wireless industry.

....There are four kinds of electromagnetic fields that we know are harmful to human health. The radio frequency radiation, magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and electric fields. ...all humans are effected by EMFs.... The national toxicology program shows clear evidence of cardiomyopathy in that study. ...that's a precursor to congestive heart failure.

....Over half of the 2015 Medicare spending for beneficiaries age 65 and over was for those who had diagnoses of CKD, Diabetes mellitus, or heart failure. All three of these conditions, when you look as an independent scientist, not someone whose funded by wireless, all of those three conditions are linked. So diabetes and heart failure are linked with EMF exposures. It's very clear.

The experts who don't work for telecom, ...independent research, everyone comes to the same conclusion.... I have very concise summaries and abstracts documenting everything that I'm saying.

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD:

So the smart meters are basically a cell phone tower that's installed right on the wall of your house that blasts you, your children, your loved ones 24-7, and leads to the destruction of your health. There's absolutely no question about that.


It is our experience as physicians that everybody is equally electrosensitive. You install this thing, [smart meters] measurably certain things in your health go down. We're tracking now certain sensitive parameters of it. One is an inflammatory marker called TGF-Beta 1, goes way, way up as soon as the smart meter is installed. The MMP-9, the Metalloproteinases, goes way, way up. These are inflammatory markers. The copper level in the serum goes up as a sign of chronic inflammation driven by something that's suddenly there. The hormones go way off. The neurotransmitters go way off.

So we have lab tests that we can show -- here's a patient, we monitor him for 10 years before, he was completely normal. The smart meter was installed. Six months later, the patient looks like a dying patient from the lab work. And we find those changes even in people that say, 'Well, my wife is sick since the smart meter is in there, but I'm totally healthy.' But we look at the lab work and it looks just as bad.

So, some people have an awareness of health and goodness in them, and other people don't. But from what our experience is, everybody is affected by it. There's not just a few 3 percent of electrosensitive people.

Dr. David Carpenter, Harvard-trained Researcher, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, University of Albany, NY:

The evidence for harm from both 50/60 Hz EMFs and radiofrequency [digital meters, Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc.] exposures is strong in both human and animal studies. There are associations between increasing exposure not only with cancer, but also with adverse reproductive outcomes in both males and females, adverse effects on cognitive function and behavior and increased risk of development of the syndrome of electro-hypersensitivity. We must find ways of reducing human exposure in order to reduce the incidence of human disease.


Under court order, Pacific Gas and Electric admitted that their smart meters emitted 14,000 spikes of communication per day. The utilities have often held that smart meters are not a problem because they communicate with the utility rather infrequently; maybe a couple of times an hour. It doesn't matter how frequently they communicate with the utility. What matters is how frequently they generate radio frequency fields. And clearly the utilities have been hiding the fact that these smart meters generate these radio frequency fields almost continuously. Their pulses, but they're very, very frequent.

So according to PG&E's court documentation, the average smart meter is on 45 or 60 seconds per day. But they've conveniently withheld from us that these 45 or 60 seconds are split up into 10,000 or more pulses, each at about 4 and a half milliseconds in duration, emitting all the time, every few seconds, 24 X 7. And some meters are up to 190,000 pulses per day.

Then, factor in that the above is one smart meter. Now imagine being in a house surrounded by other houses or an apartment complex with a bank of 20 or more smart meters!

Electromagnetic Radiation and Blue Light literally Cause Addiction

Doctors and researchers are learning how transmitting technologies hijack dopamine reward pathways, leading to addictions. The more technology we use, the worse our dopamine levels in our brain become. These technologies result in a reduction of the normal chemicals in the brain that we naturally get from sunlight. People think it's a figure of speech when we say that kids are addicted to technology. It turns out it's literal. It's a fact. Blue screens lower our dopamine levels to the same levels as that found in seriously addicted people.

Electromagnetic Radiation and Blue Light Cause and/or Worsen Eye issues, Autoimmune Diseases, and Much More

In an interview with Dr. Jack Kruse, he shares that every technology screen is a blue light screen by design because it lowers our dopamine and addicts us to that platform. Looking at electronic screens or being in any fake light (i.e. indoor bulbs) causes myopia, which is a precursor to cataracts, macular degeneration, and neurodegeneration from Parkinson's, ALS, etc. So when you check your email with no eye protection on at 11 pm, you just told your brain it's noon. That causes a circadian mismatch. Technology usurps our circadian mechanism. Hashimoto's, obesity, diabetes are all hugely affected by Blue light.

Dr. Kruse has done extensive research on how technology impacts our various biological "clocks", making it much more likely that we will develop an autoimmune condition. Dr. Kruse also asserts that food, supplements, and/or exercise cannot solve an EMR problem. It has to start with a thorough remediation of our exposure to these dangerous technologies. He also warns against lasik and other eye surgeries as being very detrimental to our needed absorption of light, and offers that such procedures can lead to obesity, diabetes, depression, and other serious health conditions.

Dr. Kruse shared in this interview:

Just having blue light makes you hypoxic because when you're in a blue light environment, your mitochondria swell. When your mitochondria swell, every one angstrom that it increases reduces quantum culling of electrons by a factor of 10. The eyes are the ultimate clock; they are the circadian clock that controls how our body handles electrons and protons for our mitochondria.

...The single most important thing in my view, to getting well, is protecting your eye clock. And the reason why is your eye clock has some very fancy physics in it that use specific light frequencies to regenerate at different times. What people don't understand is that your eye is where dopamine, melatonin, serotonin, and melanin are all generated. These are all what we call biogenic amines, and they are created from UV light and from aromatic amino acids in our body. Most people know that melatonin and sleep is regenerative. The problem is, they believe that it is a sleep or pineal story. That's not where the story begins. That's about the third or fourth floor of the story. The basement is right here in the eye. That's where it begins.

Nicolas Pineault, author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide To EMFs

German research dating back from 2004 had found that just 24 hours of EMF exposure can induce more DNA damage than 1,600 chest x-rays...

The dangers of Electro-Magnetic Fields — or "EMFs" — are now widely recognized as a serious 21st century health threat by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Consumer Reports, The Cleveland Clinic and independent researchers from Harvard, Columbia and Yale.

According to Dr. Magda Havas from the Trent University in Toronto, Canada, the symptoms of excess electromagnetic pollution — the "Rapid Aging Syndrome" ...include "poor sleep, chronic fatigue, confusion, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and a host of other symptoms that doctors mistakenly treat with pharmaceuticals".

As explains Martin Blank, PhD, from the University of Columbia, by 2000 there were already 15 different studies demonstrating that EMF radiation suppresses your body's ability to produce melatonin. Less melatonin rhymes with less REM sleep, and less healing. Since 2009, a total of six meta-analyses looking at a total of 201 studies have each concluded that cell phone radiation is linked with a dramatic reduction in sperm count, motility and morphology.

EMFs ...[weaken] your good bacteria, and making potential invaders like viruses and parasites way stronger.

Several studies have shown that EMF exposure weakens the thin barrier which protects your brain against toxins (like heavy metals, glyphosate, pesticides) and invaders (like viruses) — called the "blood-brain barrier".

Excellent Letter From Dr. Martin Pall, PhD

Here is a powerful letter from Martin Pall, PhD.   While the purpose of his letter was to address the dangers associated with 5G technologies, his words make it clear that the same issues apply to digital meters and other wireless technologies.  Given the compelling evidence he presents, it seems to me that one could, theoretically, be able to use this letter to demand a utility remove any digital meter and replace it with an analog meter that does not transmit.  Note that the bold emphasis was in his original letter:  

Martin Pall, PhD August 7, 2017

Dear California Legislators,

I am Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. I am a published and widely cited scientist on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and speak internationally on this topic. I am particularly expert in how wireless radiation impacts the electrical systems in our bodies. I have published 7 studies showing there exists exquisite sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the voltage sensor in each cell, such that the force impacting our cells at the voltage sensor has massive impact on the biology on the cells of our bodies [1-7]. These papers are discussed in over 360,000 web sites which can be easily found by Googling (Martin Pall electromagnetic).  I received my PhD at Caltech, one of the top scientific institutions in the world.    

EMFs act by activating channels in the membrane that surrounds each of our cells, called voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs).  The EMFs put forces on the voltage sensor that controls the VGCCs of about 7.2 million times greater than the forces on other charged groups in our cells [4,6,7].  This is why weak EMFs have such large biological effects on the cells of our bodies!  EMFs works this way not only on human and diverse animal cells [1-7] but also in plant cells [7] so that this is a universal or near universal mechanism of action. 

Thousands of published studies show biological and health effects from electromagnetic fields. We now know the mechanism that can explain these effects. The mechanism is a function of the electromagnetics of each cell—not solely about heating effects from the radiation (on which present FCC guidelines are based).

This new understanding [1-7] means we can debunk the claims of the wireless industry that there cannot be a mechanism for effects produced by these weak EMFs.  The 20 years plus of industry propaganda claims are false.  Rather the thousands of studies showing diverse health impacts of these EMFs can be explained.  We now have a mechanism, one that is supported by both the biology and the physics, both of which are pointing in exactly the same direction.  I am sending as a separate document a list of 134 reviews, each of which provides from 12 to over a thousand individual citations showing health impacts of low intensity EMFs, EMFs that the telecommunications industry claims cannot have such effects.  These 134 reviews and thousands of primary scientific papers they cite show that the industry propaganda has no scientific support whatsoever.

The consensus among independent scientists on this is further confirmed by the 2015 (and later) appeal made to the United Nations and member states, stating that the current EMF safety guidelines are inadequate because they do not take into consideration nonthermal effects.  This was signed by 225 scientists from 41 countries, each of whom had published peer reviewed studies on EMF health effects – a total of 2,000 papers published in this area by the signers, a substantial fraction of the total publications in this area.

According to industry, the forces electromagnetic fields place on electrically charged groups in the cell are too weak to produce biological effects. However, the unique structural properties of the voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) protein can, it turns out, explain why the force on a cell’s voltage sensor from low-intensity EMFs are millions of times stronger than are the forces on singly-charged groups elsewhere in the cell.

It would be a disaster for the health of Californians to be exposed to the antennas envisioned in SB.649. The State of California would be making a grave mistake to proceed with supporting the commercial interests of the wireless industry with this legislation. Legislators would best pause to understand the gravity of the biological effects, and the ramifications for physical and mental health, as well as consequences from continual damage to human DNA, and learn the facts from scientists who are independent of the wireless industry, not from the industry lobbyists who have a gigantic conflict of interest.

VGCC activation in cells produced by low intensity EMFs can explain long-reported findings that electromagnetic fields and a wide range of biological changes and health effects.  The first 6 of these (see below) were well documented 46 years ago in the U.S. Office of Naval Medical Research report, published in 1971 [8].  The others that follow have been extensively documented subsequently in the peer-reviewed scientific literature:

1) Various neurological/neuropsychiatric effects, including changes in brain structure and function, changes in various types of psychological responses and changes in behavior.
2) At least eight different endocrine (hormonal) effects.
3) Cardiac effects influencing the electrical control of the heart, including changes in ECGs, producing arrhythmias, changes that can be life threatening.
4) Chromosome breaks and other changes in chromosome structure.
5) Histological changes in the testes.
6) Cell death (what is now called apoptosis, a process important in neurodegenerative diseases).
7) Lowered male fertility including lowered sperm quality and function and also lowered female fertility (less studied).
8) Oxidative stress.
9) Changes in calcium fluxes and calcium signaling.
10) Cellular DNA damage including single strand breaks and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and also 8-OHdG in cellular DNA.
11) Cancer which is likely to involve these DNA changes but also increased rates of tumor promotion-like events.
12) Therapeutic effects including stimulation of bone growth.
13) Cataract formation (previously thought to be thermal, now known not to be).
14) Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier.
15) Melatonin depletion and sleep disruption. 

They may be low intensity but with regard to the VGCCs, electromagnetic fields can have a tremendously powerful impact on the cells of our bodies.  Furthermore, published studies showing that calcium channel blocker drugs block or greatly lower biological effects from electromagnetic fields confirm there is a VGCC activation mechanism that is causing various effects.  Higher frequency electromagnetic fields from 5G technologies on the horizon pose even greater biological concern than those to which we are exposed today.  We should be moving, instead, to wired technologies at every opportunity, based on what we know in science today, not expanding and supporting the proliferation of wireless.  

I want to make several additional points very clear:  

1. The Physics and the Biology are both pointing in the same direction.  Both show that EMFs act primarily via activating the VGCCs in the cells of our bodies.
2. DNA damage known to be produced by these EMFs occur in human sperm and may also occur in human eggs, leading to large increases in mutation in any children born.  It is thought that an increase in mutation frequency of 2.5 to 3-fold will lead to extinction because of accumulation of large numbers of damaging mutations.  We may already be over this level, and if so, simply continuing our current exposures will lead to eventual extinction.  Further increases in exposures will be more rapidly self-destructive.
3. Pulsed EMFs are, in most cases, more biologically active and therefore more dangerous than are non-pulsed (continuous wave) EMFs.  All cordless communication devices communicate via pulsations, because it is the pulsations that carry the information communicated.  All the industry claims of safety are based on a theory (only thermal effects) that was known to be wrong back in 1971 [8] – and that was before many thousands of additional studies were published providing massive confirmation that industry claims are false.
4. The industry is trying to move to much higher frequencies because these much higher frequencies allow much higher pulsations and therefore much higher transmission of information.  However, these higher pulsation rates make these ultra-high devices vastly more dangerous.  This is part of the reasons why it is so important to vote down SB.649.
5. None of our wireless communication devices are ever tested biologically for safety – not cell phone towers, not cell phones, not Wi-Fi, not cordless phones, not smart meters and certainly not 5G phones, or radar units in cars – before they are put out to irradiate an unsuspecting public.
6. The telecommunications industry has corrupted the agencies that are supposed to be regulating them.  The best example of this is that the FCC which regulates EMFs in the U.S. is a “captured agency”, captured by the industry it is supposed to regulate, according to an 8 chapter document published by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University [9].  Is it any wonder, therefore, that the industry keeps touting that their devices are within the safety guidelines set by the FCC? 

I urge you to do the right thing on behalf of the health of Californians and future generations. Please let me know if I can provide further information.

Sincerely, Martin Pall, PhD (Caltech, 1968) Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences Washington State University 


1. Pall ML.  2013  Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med 17:958-965.
2. Pall ML.  2014  Electromagnetic field activation of voltage-gated calcium channels: role in therapeutic effects.  Electromagn Biol Med. 2014 Apr 8.
3. Pall ML.  2015  Scientific evidence contradicts findings and assumptions of Canadian Safety Panel 6: microwaves act through voltage-gated calcium channel activation to induce biological impacts at non-thermal levels, supporting a paradigm shift for microwave/lower frequency electromagnetic field action.  Rev Environ Health 30:99-116.
4. Pall ML.  2015 Elektromagnetische Felder wirken über die Aktivierung spannungsabhängiger Calciumkanäle, um günstige oder ungünstige Wirkungen zu erzeugen.  Umwelt-MedizinGesellshaft 28: 22-31.
5. Pall ML.  2015 How to approach the challenge of minimizing non-thermal health effects of  microwave radiation from electrical devices. International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM) ISSN: 2350-0557, Volume-2, Issue -5, September 2015; 71-76.
6. Pall ML.  2016  Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression. J Chem Neuroanat 75(Pt B):43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2015.08.001. Epub 2015 Aug 21.
7. Pall ML.  2016  Electromagnetic fields act similarly in plants as in animals: Probable activation of calcium channels via their voltage sensor.  Curr Chem Biol 10: 74-82.
8. Naval Medical Research Institute Research Report, June 1971.  Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (“Effects”) and Clinical Manifestations, Revised,  ZR Glaser.  
9. Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates, by Norm Alster. Published by Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University. An e-book under the Creative Commons 4.0 License: https:/creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/

There are hundreds of doctors and researchers around the globe that state unambiguously that there is substantial harm caused by transmitting technologies. They are calling for moratoriums and further research before such technologies continue to be rolled out. One video shows a member of the United Nations reading an appeal to the Secretary General of the UN. It might be possible to use some of this content to prove the harm caused in court cases and/or compel electric, gas, and water utility companies to remove digital meters.

The proliferation of non-native EMF has grown exponentially over the past three decades. Some sources may really surprise you.

Sleep issues, brain-fog and frustration are the least of our worries. EMR has been proven to make all autoimmune conditions worse. Blue light from computer and cell phone screens, video gaming console screens, and artificial indoor lighting also has major impacts on our health. See the main page of this site for a partial list of conditions, then see the Quotes page to see specifics on what doctors and researchers are saying.

Infants and children are impacted twice as much as adults by EMR because of their undeveloped immune systems, because they are growing up in the digital age and being given transmitting devices from a much younger age, and because their skulls are softer and undeveloped.

There are specific supplements and foods that can do a lot to help mitigate the impact of radiating technologies. Even specific fish and wine can make a substantial difference.

Exposure guidelines have not been updated in decades. They were developed based on thermal effects rather than the impact that radiation has been proven to have on DNA, on our mitochondria. These guidelines in no way account for the exponential growth of wireless technologies and the associated increase in electromagnetic radiation.

There are a number of options to deal with the digital meters put on our homes by utility companies. These strategies range from using aluminum foil to block the transmissions, to building a closet or box around meters, to legal proceedings.